Important note. Please be aware that you may experience a short delay (up to 10 seconds) upon completion of the paypal checkout before you are directed to the ARCHI member password setup page. Once you have completed paypal's checkout please wait until you are re-directed to the ARCHI member password setup page to set your password.
Product | Price | VAT (20%) | Total |
1x ARCHI UK Yearly Subscription: | £41.50 | £8.30 | £49.80 |
Subscription Auto Renewal
Subscriptions to MAGNET FISHING UK and ARCHI Worldwide databases are for one year and will be renewed automatically. Most ARCHI subscribers prefer this than to find their subscription has expired when they are out in the field and need to use the service. However, you can simply cancel any future re-subscription payments via your PayPal acount anytime before the next subscription period.
For instructions on how to cancel your subscription please see our F.A.Q page or click: here